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Are you feeling stuck? Ask yourself, what does that mean or could I look at this differently? It is helpful to be intentional, define yourself, and create/find your identity.

Digestion Tips

It is important to chew our food well or else our digestive system has to work extra hard to digest large chunks of food. Our nervous system is related to our digestion, so if you are overly stressed this can shut down you digestive system. Try not to drink a ton of water while eating your food, it is good to drink water before or after eating, not during.

Pottenger’s Cats is a study in nutrition done by Francis Pottenger by doing experiments with diets. There are significant differences in the way we feel, when we have processed food over whole foods. The food that we eat has a major impact on our health and the generations to come. Challenge yourself to think about the foods you eat and make the change.

Connect with Nature

We need to be in tune with nature to benefit our health. Artificial light can affect our mood an energy. Taking walks and really feeling the ground can be very calming and grounding. The sun is great for getting Vitamin D.

Do you go to the doctor when you feel good or when you feel terrible? It is ideal to have consistent health appointments, so you always continue to feel good. It is not ideal to wait until we feel terrible to go to the doctor.

In the dark our bodies naturally produce melatonin that makes us sleepy and when it becomes light our body breaks that down and produces cortisol that keeps us awake. If the sun staying out longer and coming up earlier affects your sleep, then try black out curtains or sleep masks. Try not to look at artificial light before bed such as TV or phone screens.