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Dr. Lou explains that the United States is 15th on the happiness index. Social relationships and the want for materialistic things are factors.

Bone Manipulations

Bone manipulations are not only for muscle/joint aches and pains. Organs and glands have a nerve supply, so bones that are out of place or crooked can decrease the nerve supply in turn making organs and glands have irregular function. Listen to this explanation of how bone manipulations can be helpful for your health.

Dr. Lou explains what we can do to help boost ourselves during the changing seasons; specifically winter when there are shorter days and longer nights.

Dr. Lou gives a couple of tips on how to stay active during the winter months!

Alcohol is a carcinogen and can increase the risk of breast cancer. Listen to these eye opening facts Dr. Lou tells us from the World Health Organization.

Ways to help prevent getting sick is to drink water, get adequate sleep, wash hands, avoid sugary/starchy foods, and trying to keep stress levels down. Also, don’t forget to take your Vitamin D.